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Arcachata: Music Player
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Released: June 26, 2019 · 7 tracks · Length: 43:36


Arcachata: Discography

Featuring "Their Sunny Peruvian Funeral"

This song is what happens when your wife asks you to write a reguetón hit.  Most will agree it is anything but that, and that makes us proud.  One of the most unique songs in the Arcachata catalog.

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Featuring "Triunfo Tapa'o"

Vintage progressive rock rhythms infused with avant-garde latin motifs, crowned by one of the most beautiful downbeat transitions in modern music.  Triunfo Tapao', or "Covered-up triumph" is about the unsong heroes everywhere and their achievements, in science, art and life.

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Featuring "Isthmian Goth Hop"

An anthem of Arcachata, a celebration of everything that Panama is: the good, the bad, and the ugly.

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On "Their Sunny Peruvian Funeral":

"Oh what fun, and clearly a funeral in the mountains, cuz it’s always cloudy in Lima."

Arcachata: Quote
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