ArcachataJun 10, 20203 min readAnother turn - RIP Pau Donés"Hoy el mundo ha da'o otra vuelta, pero nadie me ha avisa'o." Today the world has given another turn, but no one has let me know. Pau...
ArcachataJun 7, 20201 min readQuick thought about Nirvana's NevermindThis just needs to be said. Needs to be said to in honor of the song Smells Like Teen Spirit. Let's be honest. Smells Like Teen Spirit...
ArcachataFeb 8, 20202 min readCoronavirus and A Breach Of Microscopic FaunaI wrote the song "A Breach Of Microscopic Fauna" roughly two weeks before the Hunan novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) outbreaks reportedly...