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Amaro Cacao: Music

Amaro Cacao
Released: October 2021 · 13 tracks · Length: 51:16
Amaro Cacao is a delicious explosion of fusion rock by universal act Arcachata with South American rhythms as well as hard hitting metal sounds for an eclectic experience. With ascending and descending notes of world music and nostalgic influences reminiscent of video arcade games, this decadent record is as rich as the namesake drink. Standout songs include "Experience" with a definitive medley of jazzy instrumentals to create a unique cadence with a moody appeal. Another track to showcase is "The Dream of the Purple Maiden", which comes to life with a progressive rhythm and harmonic vocals revealing Arcachata's truly diverse offer.
- Evangeline W.
Amaro Cacao: Discography
Amaro Cacao: Quote
Amaro Cacao: Quote
Amaro Cacao: Quote
Amaro Cacao: Quote
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